Sports Activity

Sports Activity

The college Sport Department has provided playing courts for all sports like Football, Badminton, Cricket, Handball, Kabaddi, Kho–Kho, Volleyball and Athletics and an Indoor game like Table-Tanis, Carrom and Chess. The expert guidance, motivation and coaching are given by the In-charge, Sports Department. We encourage the students for participation in sport competitions conducted by various collegiate, Inter collegiate and University level sport activity.

The Sport Department is also organizing collegiate and Inter collegiate sports events in the college premises towards enhancing our students team work, will power, organizing talents and sportive nature with different cultured people. The atmosphere and surroundings of the institution are conducive for developing sports personalities and sports activities.

Events organize by the Sport Department are

  • Cricket Tournament
  • Volleyball Tournament
  • Handball Tournament
  • Badminton Tournament
  • Kabaddi Tournament
  • Athletics
  • Chess Tournament
  • Carrom Tournament
Shiv Jayanti celebration