Research Funds

Research Funds

Quality scientific research is a necessary requirement for creating new applications and contribution to the technology. The objective of Research & development (R&D) initiatives undertaken by DYPCOEI is to build research careers, internationalization of human potential, support to strengthen the knowledge foundation and promote the creation of new applications.

All education, research and innovation of DYPCOEI is aiming to create new technological and social innovations through professional and skill development. To achieve the quality research ambience, Research and Development policies has been undertaken. A research and development cell has been established that will prepare and implement the policies for development of R&D activities within the Institute. There are basically four resources of funding to address various research and development activities of the faculty and students as shown in the figure below:

Funds for Research and Professional Development:

1) Funds are given to FDP, Seminars, Workshops and Conferences intended to assist employees in maintaining and improving knowledge and skills relevant to the employees’ responsibilities or to their research career development at the Institute are considered for funding

2) Funds are given to all professional development activities of the faculty and staff for their career related training or upgrading

3) Eligible employees can access the funds approved by the institutes for the year (April 1 to March 31). Maximum funding levels are set by GB and reviewed periodically by the management. Funds allocated to professional development activities consist of Registration fees, Materials and supplies, Travel for activities off campus, Accommodations and meals.

4) The College pre-approves requests for financial support for research and development activities only.
5) Requests for duty leave to participate in a research and professional activity must be obtained by the applicant from the princiapl through their respective department head.

6) Completed applications are to be submitted to the principal’s office at least one week prior to the event.
7) Depending on availability of funds under Travel head and with the approval of the principal, expenses (TA, DA, Registration Fee, etc.) for presenting papers in National Conferences and International Conferences in fields relevant to the project shall be given to faculty from the research fund.

8) On recommendations of the principal and with the approval of management, faculty and students in the projects may be permitted to avail seed money. If funds are available under Travel head, then TA, DA and Registration Fee support may also be provided.

9) Faculty, Staff and Students are encouraged to file the patent based on their research work. Institute provides 50% financial support for patent and copyright filing and submitting the queries during the examination process of the patent.

10) Full financial support is also provided for prototype development of algorithms and systems. Faculty and students are provided the financial assistance for attending and presenting the paper in the national and international conference within India. It includes the registration fee and TA/DA for attending the conference

11) Library resources, e-journal and digital books are made available to all students, faculty, staff and even for the alumni of DYPCOEI.

12) Funds are also given for the administrative, examination and evaluation reforms within the institute as a part of professional development and quality systems.