Alumni Forum

Alumni Forum

The idea of Alumni Association of DYPCOEI is to provide a forum to bringing together the old students of the college, so that they can contribute their expertise in technology to help each other for achieving the vision and mission of the institute. The idea took shape and formation of Alumni Association turned into reality.

Reaching out to College Alumni: DYPCOEI is proud to have a database of more than 400 alumni consisting of good engineers and entrepreneurs over the past 6 years. This number will continue to grow in future.

The objectives of this Alumni Forum:

  • To provide a platform for bringing together the old students of the College, so that they can effectively contribute their expertise in technology and research.
  • To make them proactive and share with current students about the challenges in the corporate world.
  • To create job opportunities to the current final year students through their references of similar domain.  
  • To conduct orientation and training programs to students on various topics to enhance their skills from Alumni.
  • To create awareness among students about the scope of their interesting domain in the current professional world.
  • To maintain the contacts of the Alumni of the DYPCOEI.
  • To promote cultural and social welfare activities among the members so as to develop a sense of tradition and heritage of DYPCOEI.

Alumni Meet – 2022 ReportLINK