In line with NAAC’s principle that quality concerns are institutional, Quality Assessment (QA) can better be done through self-evaluation. The self-evaluation process and the subsequent preparation of the Self Study Report (SSR) to be submitted to NAAC involves the participation of all the stakeholders – management, faculty members, administrative staff, students, parents, employers, community and alumni. While the participation of internal stakeholders i.e. management, staff and students provide credibility and ownership to the activity and could lead to newer initiatives, interaction with the external stakeholders facilitate the development process of the institution and their educational services. Overall, the QA is expected to serve as a catalyst for institutional self-improvement, promote innovation and strengthen the urge to excel.
The criteria-based assessment forms the backbone of accreditation process of NAAC. The seven criteria represent the core functions and activities of a HEI. In the revised framework not only the academic and administrative aspects of institutional functioning but also the emerging issues have been included.
Criteria-based Self Study Report (SSR)
The seven Criteria to serve as basis for assessment of DYPCOEI by NAAC are:
- Curricular Aspects
- Teaching-Learning and Evaluation
- Research, Innovations and Extension
- Infrastructure and Learning Resources
- Student Support and Progression
- Governance, Leadership and Management
- Institutional Values and Best Practices
Under each Criterion a few Key Indicators are identified. These Key Indicators (KIs) are further described as Metrics which actually provoke responses from the DYPCOEI as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Criteria, Key Indicators and Metrics
The SSR has two kinds of Metrics: one, those requiring quantifiable facts and figures as data which have been indicated as ‘quantitative metrics’ (QnM); and two, those metrics requiring descriptive responses and are accordingly named ‘qualitative metrics’ (QlM). Figure 2 depicts the distribution of Key Indicators (KIs) and Metrics across them.

Figure 2: The distribution of KIs and Metrics across them
NAAC Committee
Overall NAAC Coordinator of the Institute: Dipannita Mondal, Head Department of FE and while preparing for SSR the Criteria, coordinators assigned for the respective weightages are as follows:
Sr. No. | SSR Criteria | Co-ordinators | Weightages |
1 | Curricular Aspects | Aashutosh Chandgude | 100 |
2 | Teaching-learning & Evaluation | Ravindra Daspute | 350 |
3 | Research, INnnovations & Extension | Yogesh Nagvekar | 110 |
4 | Infrasturcture & Learning Resources | Laxikant Malphedwar | 100 |
5 | Student Support & Progression | Dr. Alpana Adsul | 140 |
6 | Governance, Leadership & Management | Dr. Latika Desai | 100 |
7 | Institutional Values & Best Practices | Sherian Kusian Dipannita Modal | 100 |
7 Steps of NAAC Accreditation Process
- NAAC website registration
- Institutional Information for Quality Assessment (IIQA)
- SSR submission on acceptance of IIQA
- Data Validation & Verification (DVV) process and Pre-qualifier Score
- Preparation for the Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS)
- Onsite Peer Visit by NAAC
- NAAC announces the Institutional Grading
Over all NAAC Coordinator of the Institute : Dipannita Mondal
Self Study Report (SSR)- LINK